
<세월호 500일 추모> "Diving Bell - The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol" (Director’s cut / free release)

irene777 2015. 9. 3. 18:47

<세월호 500일 추모>

"Diving Bell - The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol"

(Director’s cut / free release)

- go발뉴스  2015년 8월 31일 -

"Diving Bell - The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol" (Director’s cut / free release)

- invited by Busan Int'l Film Festival(2014), Salaya Int'l Film Festival(2015) 

- Grand Prix at Fukuoka Asian Film Festival (2015) 

The Sewol ferry with 476 passengers onboard sank on April 16th, 2014. The passengers waited still, believing the statement “Wait in the cabin” from the captain. However, at the same time the captain party boarded lifeboats in secret. 

The ship finally sank, and 304 passengers died in total. Among them 250 were the students from Danwon Highschool, who were on their way to Jeju Island for the field trip. Even though there are 9 people in the wrecked ship still now, the Korean Government has postponed the salvage operation.

The Korean Park Geun-hye Administration is taking no responsibility on this disaster. The bereaved families of victims purport that the Government, in fact, slaughtered the passengers rather than they were not able to rescue them. How did the family come to make those horrifying arguments? This movie leads you to the sinking disaster then.

"Diving Bell - The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol"

(Director’s cut / free release)


* 관련 포스팅 :  ☞ 다이빙벨 해외판 (감독판) 무료 공개